Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A work in progress

I like to think of my ADHD as a work of art in progress.  Some days the colors come together in a complementary symphony that leaves me grateful to have the experience of living with a mind, that while different is also uniquely creative.  However, some days I spill coffee on the canvas... burn myself and accidentally lock the paint brushes in the car with my keys.  The trick is remembering that both scenarios are perfect and that one does not preclude the other.

When I began dealing with my ADHD I was euphoric at my ability to accomplish the simple things that used to seem infinite and impossible.  I would breeze through the days with a renewed sense of capability and confidence.  But as with all things, you cannot coast through perfection forever.  Some days are full of challenges that bring up the old frustrations and pain.   Some activities will simply always be a tremendous challenge for me regardless of how easy they may be for others around me.

The trick is keeping the art of progression in mind when you feel that you are slipping back into a world of disorganization.  Rome was not built in a day and it is crucial to try and take a daily look at the small accomplishments.  I celebrate victories like remembering consistently to put the laundry in the hamper, or put the dishes in the dishwasher as soon as I am finished eating.  I try to repeat these activities and make it a habit... but there are days when the laundry is more stubborn and despite my best efforts curls up comfortably on the bathroom floor.

I have made peace with these small things.  I celebrate their completion, and at times I take comfort in my strengths when they do not come easy.  To the rest of the world it is hard to understand, but if you live within that magical ADHD brain it is crucial to remember not to be hard on yourself when inevitably some days will just be harder than others.

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